Howdy and Happy Summer 2014! Wow....I would have thought I would have lived through the busiest summers of my life but this one has proved otherwise. My blog has always been in the back of my mind but the hours allowed in a day has not allowed me to sit for long. I have realized, however, that I do not need long to post my thoughts and happenings in my life. I think rather quickly and type as fast as my thoughts ramble through my mind...or so my friends tell me. There is really no excuse for my lack of postings over the last 2 months. It is not that I haven't been writing. I have had time to share my thoughts with my Faithful Weigh gals over these weeks and my journal is nearing the end of another volume. It has been an emotional time these past couple of months as I work through another year of anniversaries of my son's and my mom's passing on to glory. Also, there was much work into organizing and enjoying our annual golf tournament in memory of my boys. What a great day it turned out to be. I hope to share these moments of my life with you. I just need to figure out that I can do it in small increments. I am learning that some of my readers and friends do better with "shorter" thoughts. This is a difficult task for a quick thinker and "typer". :) I will try! I also have some great pictures I would love to share. God has blessed me beyond my hopes and dreams in these past weeks. I am learning to walk with Him in each moment and find the joy in this adventure He has me on. I stand in awe of my amazing God. May you, too, stand in awe of His presence in your world.
Blessings, my blogger friends!