Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Do Not Be Afraid

As I finished writing the scripture for today on my “Christmas 31 Day Scripture Writing Plan”, parts of this amazing story kept swirling around my thinking.

In normal lives, a young woman named Mary, engaged to be married, and a young man named Joseph, anticipating the day when he would take his new wife into his home, things happened.  Things that made them shrink back from the “normal”.  Things that they did not understand. Things that made them almost afraid to take another breath.  Fear of what this meant for their future and what the people they loved would think of them.

In this story of the birth of Jesus Christ, two people had their normal lives interrupted by an unexpected happening.  They experienced all the emotions and fear that anyone would have but in the midst of their circumstance, God sent an angel to each of them.  These are the words that echoed in my mind and heart this morning as I read them.  “Do not be afraid...” (Matthew 1:2, Luke 1:29) 

As I listened to this familiar phrase swirl around my thoughts, I wondered if I, too, had heard these words whispered to my heart in the unexpected and difficult happenings in my life.  Like Mary and Joseph’s confusion and questions of why’s and how, there were so many times that I felt myself shrinking back from the “normal”, afraid to even take another breath.   Through the devastation of a divorce, the tragedy of a fatal accident, the finality of a terminal diseases, confusion quickly came in the why’s and how, just as they did for this young couple.   Thinking back on these times, I can clearly see God’s presence with me.  He may have not sent an angel but He did send many servants to minister His message to me as He did to Mary in Luke 1:29.  I can almost hear His words to me.  ”Do not be afraid, Mary Ann, my beloved child, for you are mine and I have a perfect plan.”  I can only whisper now in awe, “Thank you, Father.”

Today, right now, if you find yourselves in unexplained and difficult circumstances in your life, hear the words that Mary and Joseph heard.   If you are a child of God, then you, too, have found favor with God.  You, too, can be comforted and filled with the hope and promises of God in these fours words that we hear repeatedly this time of year.  “Do not be afraid.”  God has a perfect plan for you, whether you understand the why’s and how’s or not, you can fully trust Him and respond as this young woman did.  “I am the Lord’s servant” Mary answered, “May it be to me as you have said.” Luke 1:38. 

If you do not have a personal relationship with the God who sent His Son to the world to save us from our sins,  I encourage you to not let another Christmas season pass by without seeking the why’s and how of this amazing truth of His love, forgiveness and hope. You, too, will then understand how a child of God can trust these wonderful words, “Do not be afraid.”

May God bless you and draw you closer to Him.  Merry Christmas!

Mary Ann

Saturday, July 2, 2016

"Sit a spell" There's more to the weekend besides FOOD!

Happy 4th of July weekend!

With the long weekend ahead of us, I hope that we have come to the place where we can anticipate and enjoy the fun and fellowship of our family and friends, without stressing over FOOD!   Yep, we have to prepare it and eat it but it doesn’t have to define our purpose for getting together. 

I was reading in Luke this morning about when Jesus looked up into the tree and told Zacchaeus to come down out of the tree because He was going to his house today.  The Daily Bread brought out that Jesus wanted to “sit a spell” with Zacchaeus and his household.  He didn’t just plan on whipping in the door, talking fast and then leaving abruptly to get to His next appointment.  

I have been feeling much like this..whipping around, talking fast and racing to the next thing.  I think that God wanted me to see this morning that I need to anticipate “sitting a spell” on this long weekend.  Not that I only want to sit and do nothing.  Those that know me know that won’t happen but to make it a point to sit long enough to hear what is going on in the lives of those around me.  To enjoy the chatter of family and friends.  To take the time to have a thankful heart for the freedom we enjoy in our country. 

So, prepare a healthy snack or dish to pass for your get-together.  Grab a glass of ice water, flavored with cukes & raspberries or lemon.  Sit down next to someone and just listen and talk.  Not about how fattening the salads are on the picnic table.  When those around us hear these words, they will hear blah, blah, blah.  Instead, ask “So, what’s happening in your life?”…and then listen.  Speak words of encouragement and truth.  Look around at those the Lord has placed in your life and be thankful for them.  They may not be perfect, none of us are, but God is good and has His purposes for why they are your family and friends.  It’s not all about you but that He has the purpose of using you, and it may be to just encourage one of them today.  The food isn’t all that important in light of the real purpose of relationships, is it?

I am proud to be an American!  May God have mercy on this nation and the state that it is in and may He once again, Bless America!

Blessings you each of you!

Mary Ann

"Sit a spell" There's more to the weekend besides FOOD!

Happy 4th of July weekend!

With the long weekend ahead of us, I hope that we have come to the place where we can anticipate and enjoy the fun and fellowship of our family and friends, without stressing over FOOD!   Yep, we have to prepare it and eat it but it doesn’t have to define our purpose for getting together. 

I was reading in Luke this morning about when Jesus looked up into the tree and told Zacchaeus to come down out of the tree because He was going to his house today.  The Daily Bread brought out that Jesus wanted to “sit a spell” with Zacchaeus and his household.  He didn’t just plan on whipping in the door, talking fast and then leaving abruptly to get to His next appointment.  

I have been feeling much like this..whipping around, talking fast and racing to the next thing.  I think that God wanted me to see this morning that I need to anticipate “sitting a spell” on this long weekend.  Not that I only want to sit and do nothing.  Those that know me know that won’t happen but to make it a point to sit long enough to hear what is going on in the lives of those around me.  To enjoy the chatter of family and friends.  To take the time to have a thankful heart for the freedom we enjoy in our country. 

So, prepare a healthy snack or dish to pass for your get-together.  Grab a glass of ice water, flavored with cukes & raspberries or lemon.  Sit down next to someone and just listen and talk.  Not about how fattening the salads are on the picnic table.  When those around us hear these words, they will hear blah, blah, blah.  Instead, ask “So, what’s happening in your life?”…and then listen.  Speak words of encouragement and truth.  Look around at those the Lord has placed in your life and be thankful for them.  They may not be perfect, none of us are, but God is good and has His purposes for why they are your family and friends.  It’s not all about you but that He has the purpose of using you, and it may be to just encourage one of them today.  The food isn’t all that important in light of the real purpose of relationships, is it?

I am proud to be an American!  May God have mercy on this nation and the state that it is in and may He once again, Bless America!

Blessings you each of you!

Mary Ann

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

But God...He Directs Us to His Love so We Can Persevere. TFW

Hey Faithful Weigher's,
Another week is upon us. As I wrote in my journal this morning, I am so thankful to have been given another day to live for my Lord. In this very long season of my grieving heart, yesterday was another one of those days when things "hit" me. It is hard to see a chair in our church empty, when last week it wasn't. It's hard to look forward to seeing my dad, only to see the sad, lonely look in his face, as it was 5 yrs ago on Father's Day, that we said our final, earthly good-by to my mom. It's hard to know that my precious grandson had to go through yet another Father's Day with only a 5 yr olds memories of his daddy. It's hard knowing that my other grandson has a dad and he chooses not to see him for months on end..even on Father's Day. It's hard knowing my sweet friend had to go through her very first Father's Day without hearing her daddy's voice. The grieving hearts in this world will never end.
BUT GOD!!! My two most favorite words!!! It does not surprise me that yesterday, Pastor Leo talked about being diligent and to persevere from Deuteronomy 6. It doesn't surprise me that today, Day 6, in our Made to Crave devotional, Lysa talks about how God can and does point our hearts towards Him and therefore, we can persevere in this life He has given to us, even through these hard times with grieving hearts. Through these seemingly long days and weeks of working and caring for loved ones with what sometimes feels like ungrateful hearts.
Lysa shares this verse, "May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance." 2 Thessalonians 3:5. I looked at a couple of reference verses to find that here, "hearts" means our intellect and will. Hmmm...not our emotions or feelings? Nope, our ability to reason and understand God's way, commands of how we are to live for him and our desire, our choice to follow His will for us. Without being in His Word daily, I would be swept away by what and how the world tells me to live. If I'm feeling down or blue, then have a glass of wine or go out and spend money, whether I have it or not. If I'm feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities, then just blow it off and walk away without guilt. BUT GOD and His love for me that NEVER fails and knowing that NOTHING can separate me from Him, not even myself and my feelings or emotions. His love is so patient and kind and it is not based on my performance. (points taken from Lysa).
Yesterday, I could have chosen to allow the sadness of grief for myself and so many that I love envelope me into a dark place, BUT GOD, in His faithfulness to me, His daughter, whom He so deeply loves, directed me back into His amazing, caring love for me, which allowed me to go forth and enjoy the day that the Lord had made. This, my sweet Faithful Friends, is what perseverance looks like.
Lysa says it best. "Yes, we are only one good choice away from bein back on the path of perseverance." Allow God to direct your heart back into His love for you. Whether it is your emotional state this morning, your physical well-being or your overwhelming circumstances, choose this day to persevere in the name of the Lord and HIS plan for you for this day.
Blessings to each of you, my sweet Faithful Weigh Friends,
Mary Ann

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Our God is so Faithful in so many ways! TFW

I am praising our Lord this morning for many blessings. I love waking up to see the sun rising again.  Our God is so faithful!  I love hearing my hubby say that he is feeling a little better.  Our God is so faithful!  I love digging into God's Word with our Faithful Weigher's and learning truths about who He is to me and how He created me. About what I may be thinking that is contrary to His Word and holding  me in a place of repeated frustration.  Our God is so faithful! 

One comment I have heard more than once is that "This is deep!"  It certainly is!!  As I have asked God to keep my eyes and heart open to see what is behind my "stinkin thinkin",  He is faithful to my request and I am thankful for this digging deep.   In our walk with Him, isn't it our deepest desire to grow ever closer to Him?  To grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, as it says in 2 Peter 3:18?   We should never be satisfied to stay where we are but to desire to grow, and change according to His likeness.  If we don't have that desire, then perhaps we are "happy" in our "stinkin thinkin" of being "stuck" in the places that we find ourselves.  For those of us that meet weekly at TFW, we were ready to discover from God's Word, why we continue to think like we do when it comes to the repetitive ways that we have struggled with in our healthy eating journey.  

If you have joined us in this study about "Discovering our Strongholds" with James MacDonald, we are moving from discovering our dispositions to the "Destroying the Strongholds of Family Dysfunctions".  We have included a youtube for today's teaching.  May you listen to this with the prayer that God will be pleased to show to you what He wants you to hear.  Take notes.  Pray about what you have heard and ask God to show you what may be behind your thinking, as you continue your walk with Him.

Many prayers and blessings for each of you this day, my sweet Faithful Weigh Friends.
Mary Ann

Why a study on Strongholds in a weight-loss support group?

Happy Wednesday, Faithful Weigher's!! God is blessing us with a beautiful, sunny morning with the hope of warmer temps headed our way!  I have to say that this has given me a new "spring" in my step!  LOL 
We were blessed with a couple of new ladies at our meeting yesterday and this is how I explained our current study on Strongholds.  On the surface, one could ask what this has to do with weight-loss and our healthy eating journey.  This is the insight that God has given to me as I asked myself the same question.

Having been on this journey for 4 + years now, along with several of our members of The Faithful Weigh, we know how we should eat, what we should eat, about portion sizes, reading labels, how our body reacts to excessive eating and too much of a not-so-good things in our food choices.  We have been on a multitude of different diets and eating plans for several years. We have lost weight, gained it back, lost it again, gave up trying and have beat ourselves up for failing, once again. 

The statement that grabbed me as I was listening to this series by James MacDonald on "Destroying Strongholds" was this; "Stop thinking why do I do this and starting thinking why do I think this way?" 

Yes, we can stop doing things, even seeking the strength of God to help us.  We are thankful and give Him the glory for those successes.  However, because of our human, sinful nature, we tend to grow complacent in that success and soon, we find ourselves in the same place again, asking the question, "Why do I do this?"
This is where that statement grabbed me.  Am I retreating to these old patterns because of strongholds in my thinking that I have not yet surrendered to God's control instead of my own? 

 What I have learned so far is that my main disposition style is that I can be sufficient in my own strength and accomplishments and step away from the truth that God is my sufficiency and I need to lean fully on Him and not myself. 

If you have questions what this study on Strongholds has on your healthy eating & living journey, I hope that you take the opportunity to listen to the podcasts we have listened to so far and see if this is something that God has brought you to do grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  As usual, the truths I am learning from this not only pertains to my healthy eating journey but has already given me such insight on the relationships in my life.  I am learning more and more about grace!  God's grace for me, the grace others have for me and the grace that God is calling on me to have for those in my life and that I come in contact with.  It is ALL GOOD and ALL THINGS from our Lord are good!!  Praise His Name and to Him we give the glory for bringing us to this study at this time.

Hope this is beneficial to you as you continue your journey with us.

Blessings in the name of my Lord and Savior,
Mary Ann