I am praising our Lord this morning for many blessings. I love waking up to see the sun rising again. Our God is so faithful! I love hearing my hubby say that he is feeling a little better. Our God is so faithful! I love digging into God's Word with our Faithful Weigher's and learning truths about who He is to me and how He created me. About what I may be thinking that is contrary to His Word and holding me in a place of repeated frustration. Our God is so faithful!
One comment I have heard more than once is that "This is deep!" It certainly is!! As I have asked God to keep my eyes and heart open to see what is behind my "stinkin thinkin", He is faithful to my request and I am thankful for this digging deep. In our walk with Him, isn't it our deepest desire to grow ever closer to Him? To grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, as it says in 2 Peter 3:18? We should never be satisfied to stay where we are but to desire to grow, and change according to His likeness. If we don't have that desire, then perhaps we are "happy" in our "stinkin thinkin" of being "stuck" in the places that we find ourselves. For those of us that meet weekly at TFW, we were ready to discover from God's Word, why we continue to think like we do when it comes to the repetitive ways that we have struggled with in our healthy eating journey.
If you have joined us in this study about "Discovering our Strongholds" with James MacDonald, we are moving from discovering our dispositions to the "Destroying the Strongholds of Family Dysfunctions". We have included a youtube for today's teaching. May you listen to this with the prayer that God will be pleased to show to you what He wants you to hear. Take notes. Pray about what you have heard and ask God to show you what may be behind your thinking, as you continue your walk with Him.
Many prayers and blessings for each of you this day, my sweet Faithful Weigh Friends.
Mary Ann