Another week is upon us. As I wrote in my journal this morning, I am so thankful to have been given another day to live for my Lord. In this very long season of my grieving heart, yesterday was another one of those days when things "hit" me. It is hard to see a chair in our church empty, when last week it wasn't. It's hard to look forward to seeing my dad, only to see the sad, lonely look in his face, as it was 5 yrs ago on Father's Day, that we said our final, earthly good-by to my mom. It's hard to know that my precious grandson had to go through yet another Father's Day with only a 5 yr olds memories of his daddy. It's hard knowing that my other grandson has a dad and he chooses not to see him for months on end..even on Father's Day. It's hard knowing my sweet friend had to go through her very first Father's Day without hearing her daddy's voice. The grieving hearts in this world will never end.
BUT GOD!!! My two most favorite words!!! It does not surprise me that yesterday, Pastor Leo talked about being diligent and to persevere from Deuteronomy 6. It doesn't surprise me that today, Day 6, in our Made to Crave devotional, Lysa talks about how God can and does point our hearts towards Him and therefore, we can persevere in this life He has given to us, even through these hard times with grieving hearts. Through these seemingly long days and weeks of working and caring for loved ones with what sometimes feels like ungrateful hearts.
Lysa shares this verse, "May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance." 2 Thessalonians 3:5. I looked at a couple of reference verses to find that here, "hearts" means our intellect and will. Hmmm...not our emotions or feelings? Nope, our ability to reason and understand God's way, commands of how we are to live for him and our desire, our choice to follow His will for us. Without being in His Word daily, I would be swept away by what and how the world tells me to live. If I'm feeling down or blue, then have a glass of wine or go out and spend money, whether I have it or not. If I'm feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities, then just blow it off and walk away without guilt. BUT GOD and His love for me that NEVER fails and knowing that NOTHING can separate me from Him, not even myself and my feelings or emotions. His love is so patient and kind and it is not based on my performance. (points taken from Lysa).
Yesterday, I could have chosen to allow the sadness of grief for myself and so many that I love envelope me into a dark place, BUT GOD, in His faithfulness to me, His daughter, whom He so deeply loves, directed me back into His amazing, caring love for me, which allowed me to go forth and enjoy the day that the Lord had made. This, my sweet Faithful Friends, is what perseverance looks like.
Lysa says it best. "Yes, we are only one good choice away from bein back on the path of perseverance." Allow God to direct your heart back into His love for you. Whether it is your emotional state this morning, your physical well-being or your overwhelming circumstances, choose this day to persevere in the name of the Lord and HIS plan for you for this day.
Blessings to each of you, my sweet Faithful Weigh Friends,
Mary Ann