Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Do Not Be Afraid

As I finished writing the scripture for today on my “Christmas 31 Day Scripture Writing Plan”, parts of this amazing story kept swirling around my thinking.

In normal lives, a young woman named Mary, engaged to be married, and a young man named Joseph, anticipating the day when he would take his new wife into his home, things happened.  Things that made them shrink back from the “normal”.  Things that they did not understand. Things that made them almost afraid to take another breath.  Fear of what this meant for their future and what the people they loved would think of them.

In this story of the birth of Jesus Christ, two people had their normal lives interrupted by an unexpected happening.  They experienced all the emotions and fear that anyone would have but in the midst of their circumstance, God sent an angel to each of them.  These are the words that echoed in my mind and heart this morning as I read them.  “Do not be afraid...” (Matthew 1:2, Luke 1:29) 

As I listened to this familiar phrase swirl around my thoughts, I wondered if I, too, had heard these words whispered to my heart in the unexpected and difficult happenings in my life.  Like Mary and Joseph’s confusion and questions of why’s and how, there were so many times that I felt myself shrinking back from the “normal”, afraid to even take another breath.   Through the devastation of a divorce, the tragedy of a fatal accident, the finality of a terminal diseases, confusion quickly came in the why’s and how, just as they did for this young couple.   Thinking back on these times, I can clearly see God’s presence with me.  He may have not sent an angel but He did send many servants to minister His message to me as He did to Mary in Luke 1:29.  I can almost hear His words to me.  ”Do not be afraid, Mary Ann, my beloved child, for you are mine and I have a perfect plan.”  I can only whisper now in awe, “Thank you, Father.”

Today, right now, if you find yourselves in unexplained and difficult circumstances in your life, hear the words that Mary and Joseph heard.   If you are a child of God, then you, too, have found favor with God.  You, too, can be comforted and filled with the hope and promises of God in these fours words that we hear repeatedly this time of year.  “Do not be afraid.”  God has a perfect plan for you, whether you understand the why’s and how’s or not, you can fully trust Him and respond as this young woman did.  “I am the Lord’s servant” Mary answered, “May it be to me as you have said.” Luke 1:38. 

If you do not have a personal relationship with the God who sent His Son to the world to save us from our sins,  I encourage you to not let another Christmas season pass by without seeking the why’s and how of this amazing truth of His love, forgiveness and hope. You, too, will then understand how a child of God can trust these wonderful words, “Do not be afraid.”

May God bless you and draw you closer to Him.  Merry Christmas!

Mary Ann