Wednesday, December 18, 2013

One week to go......!!???

By this time next week, for some of us, the presents will have been opened.   Wrapping paper and boxes strewn around the room, having the hidden treasures revealed to the squeals of delight or the ungrateful exclamations we all have witnessed in Christmas past.   All the preparation, planning, shopping and scheming will be over.  As I was looking at my calendar this morning, my brain started going in a hundred different directions with all that I have yet to do in order to get ready in just 6 days!!  I envisioned many years of Christmas mornings as the gifts were passed and the paper ripped off that I had spend hours shopping, wrapping and taping.   Although some precious memories stick out in my mind, the one that I would rather not relive is the one of this harried wife, mom and Grammie, thinking that I had to get everything ready and perfect for this moment to happen.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely enjoy doing special things for my family.  The thing that makes me weary and I would choose not to repeat is the craziness.  The stress of finding time to get decorations up, trying to figure out the scheduling of events to make sure everyone is here and there.  The spending of money that you really don't have to buy things other people really don't need, just because you "have" to and hearing others stress over trying to do the same.   This is what truly makes me weary of this season.  I love to give my family and friends things that they will enjoy and appreciate.  I just have a problem with this "harried" feeling that started to take over my brain this morning.   I just read an email about the greatest gift, the gift of Jesus, sent by God, to be the Savior of this world.  This is the true reason for Christmas.  He gave me the best gift of all.  This beautiful  truth caused me to take a deep breath, thank God for this reminder that slowed my racing brain down to a peaceful crawl.  You know, I am not commanded to travel the roads to the malls beyond seeking that perfect gift.  I'm not commanded to bake 1000 cookies to share and I'm not commanded to have the perfect amount of colorful decorations outside my house or the perfectly decorated tree.   I am commanded by my Heavenly Father to be holy as He is holy.  To love as I am loved by Him.  I am commanded to let His light shine through me for all to see.  I don't think His light can shine when I have the Christmas shopping rush glaze over my eyes or when I am frantically watching the calendar and the clock as the days and hours quickly bring me closer to the big moment…..when the presents have all been opened and the wrapping and boxes strewn around the room.   Lord, help me today to keep You in my Christmas planning.  My interactions with those I come in contact with today.  To be able to do those things that will bring joy to the hearts of those I love.  May they see the Light in my life, through my words and actions.  Today, I will not be "harried"!  Today I will go with the amazing thought of God's amazing gift to me.  

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