Where have those sunny, summer days gone? It seems we have been forced to jump into the next seasons without any transition time. Our air conditioner is still in the window and I still have fans sitting around the house because only a week ago, we needed them. Last night, we had to turn on the furnace!
Hmmm....doesn't it seem that way in our lives, too? We heard Sheri Rose talk about being "in" the season in which we find ourselves and not trying to still "fit in" to our last season. Sometimes, or very often, we find ourselves into a new season before we really have had the chance to prepare for it! It may be a season of illness, an empty nest, becoming a parent or grandparents, a season of grieving, divorce or financial difficulties. Even though there may be symptoms for what is to come and perhaps time to prepare, the actual season we find ourselves in still brings us the feeling of "How did we get here?".
So I will speak to myself, "Mary Ann, you had time to prepare for the coming fall season. The calendar showed you this, as it has since you were born, so buck up!" The truth is, I chose to ignore the symptoms of the coming fall season. My love for the warmth and "freedom from heavy clothes" from the last season kept me in this "fairy tale" frame of mind that if I ignored it, it wouldn't happen.
Perhaps we are ignoring the signs that are showing us the reality of what season we are in? Perhaps we are seeing the signs but choosing to do and be what we have always done and then we whine to our reflection in the mirror, "How did I get here?" Our reflection may show wrinkles, fat rolls, saggy skin, worry lines, graying hair, sad eyes,or an empty soul. My sweet Faithful Weigh Friends, these all could be symptoms of a new season God has brought you to for His purposes and glory. This could be a season in your life that He has called you to be salt to those around you. This could be the very season that it is time to stand on the truth of God's Word and know that it is good.
Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-14. There is a time for everything! Verse 11 says, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom it."
I pray that today,you will seek and find the good in the season God has you in. Yes, it is fall and yes, the colors are beautiful, the air is crisp and my God is so very good to me! I praise His holy Name the I "get to" wake up this morning, breathe, move and go to my job. and I may not be able to fully fathom eternity but I know that I have the hope of eternity with my Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!
Blessings to each of you this day, my Sweet Faithful Weigh Friends,
Mary Ann
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