Sunday, October 25, 2015

Refreshed! TFW

It is no wonder that every book study that we have done in TFW has touched on the need to rest and be refreshed.  This study with Sheri Rose Shepard also brings us to our chapter for this week on "Craving Real Refreshment". 

In the "New Life Recipes", she talks about refreshing others and bringing refreshment to ourselves.  How very true this is!  I was very blessed to have a mother that was always giving of herself for others refreshment.  With a smile and sometimes great physical effort, she blessed and was blessed.  Because of her example, I, too, find much joy in blessing others with refreshment.  In the past few weeks, my sister-in-law and I are doing some volunteer re-decorating and we get a chuckle at how we are enduring sometimes painful efforts because we  "get to"  stand back when it's all done and go "Wow"!  Aha!!  This is what it means to be "refreshed as we refresh others".  We and the owners of those rooms, are getting a lift! A double "refresh"!  Two for One!  What a deal! Don't you love a bargain?! :)  Yes, it cost a little money and muscle aches and pains BUT what a "lift" we experience in our hearts and souls!   God has a purpose for putting  verses like Proverbs 11:25 in His Word! "The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed."   

 If this  kind of "refreshment" is not one that you are accustom to or may think that you can't do, perhaps God has brought this truth to you this week to satisfy a craving in your heart.  Perhaps He is asking you to step out of your comfort zone of just doing for yourself and your household.  Yes, it will cost you!  Perhaps  some monetary and/or physical expense but the amazing sense of joy that will arise from your very soul will be the refreshment of doing and giving to others , which God has called us to do.  I was very blessed to learn that a  FW friend dropped off a bowl of her homemade clam chowder to another FW friend, just a few days ago. What refreshing news that was for me and I wasn't even the recipient!  I KNOW that God's Word put into action, brought refreshment to both of their souls!   The definition of "refreshed" always starts with the words, "The act of".  This means that you must DO something in order to fill this craving of your heart and soul.  The spiritual results of being refreshed will keep you from seeking food to attempt to fill a physical craving that just is not there.

Blessings to you, my Sweet Faithful Weigh Friends, as you refresh your souls with God's truths this weekend.

Mary Ann

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