Thursday, May 8, 2014

Seeking God...for our "Yes and No's"!

Happy Thursday Morning!  I was awake way too early this morning.  The Lord had some scripture for me to read to bless and encourage me with so I am thankful for being up before the crack of dawn.  I wondered aloud to my hubby, "Where would I be without my God?"  I am so amazed at His grace, mercy and great love for me.
I thought about our handout for our weight-loss support group as I sipped my "whole body pleaser" a.k.a. coffee.  As I read about setting godly boundaries, I went to the chapter  in our "Thin Within" book and read something that I think is really important as we seek God's wisdom and guidance in our saying "Yes" and "No". It has to do with the previous chapters we have worked through.  Thin Within says, "It is possible that those significant events you reviewed in Day Sixteen, (our Week 17 handout) may affect your ability to establish godly boundaries. For example, if others have treated you inappropriately and violated your personal boundaries, you may not have a clear understanding as to what makes boundaries godly and what makes them inappropriate.  If so, it is especially important for you to seek the Lord, and possible godly counsel, to determine what appropriate boundaries are for you at this time. ...As our restoration work continues, let's remain aware of the ways the enemy has encroached on us in the past, so we can be better  prepared for the future."  As I was reading this, I felt it important to share this with you that are seriously seeking to set those godly boundaries in your lives.  We have learned that those events of our past may have shaped who we have become but God is the master of our hearts and thinking.  Therefore, when we go to Him, surrendering our thinking on a decision that we need to make, we give Him the authority over those significant events that have directed our thoughts in the past.  What freedom God gives to us when we can stand sure that He has directed our path.   One of my favorite verses just came to my mind as I typed this.  Proverbs 3:5 & 6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight".  God's Word...brought to life, right here and right now in this part of our study! So cool!!  We are all on this journey for His purpose in our lives.  To grow closer to Him, to know Him better and to let His light shine through us for His glory. Another portion of scripture that brought me so much peace this morning is 2 Corinthians, chapter 4.  God's word is so rich....but that is for another blog. :)  Blessings, as you seek His plan for your day.

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