Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tis the Season.....for Change!

Changes in life seem to be always around the corner.  Sometimes for the better and others that don't seem to be so good at the time.  Whether good or hard, they are usually followed by a season of chaos that affects every area of life that you have grown accustomed to.  This season, gratefully, doesn't last forever although it does seem all-consuming.  Even those changes that you may have anticipated, there's always a starting point of commitment when the newness begins with the strike of the clock.   What follows is this season of chaos in which we find ourselves.  New information pouring into your brain, interrupting the well-worn patterns of your mind, demanding to find storage.   The flow of your daily schedule abruptly changes into what feels like a schedule of a crazed maniac with only your will to endure until you fall into bed at night.  Task that formally were completed in a timely manner now join the "to do" list that seems to be growing longer than a child's Christmas  "wish list".    The minutes, hours, days and weeks fly by as you try to keep it together during this whirlwind season.  This will pass...it always does….eventually.   I find myself nearing the end, hopefully, of such a season as this.   A new  place of employment has consumed the empty crevasses of my brain, the idle minutes of my days and unused energy  I didn’t know I had.  There is one thing I've noticed, however, as I've gotten through the past couple of weeks…...peace.  Not every season of change in my life has been as peaceful as this one has seemed.  Whether it's my age or the mounds of seasons of change I have endured through the years, this one has seemed to be the most peaceful.    Perhaps it's because I just followed the footprints where God led me.  There's a verse in the Bible found in Psalms 16:11 that says, " You have made known to me the path of life;  you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."  To me, the joy in His presence and eternal pleasure is the peace I feel knowing that I am on His path for my life.   Thank you, Lord, for the crazy season that follows YOUR change in our lives.  May you, too, experience peace in your crazy seasons after a change.

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